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With the boons of internet🌐 spreadig worlwide over the last two decades, e-commerce has evolved to be one of the largest industries💹!.

With the passage of time, platforms like Amazon, E-Bay, Flipkart, Myntra have become the modern supermarkerts for us.

From our fashionable clothes👗, shoes👟, grocery🥒, items of daily needs to mobile phones📱 we are accustomed to buying almost everything online. Even our food!🎂. Features like flexible options of payment, tons of choices to select from, assured delivery, as well as great customer support, have paved the way for the notion.

However, we found there's something that is left behind on the e-commerce wave.

The Vintage Products...Yes, those items of immense cultural significance or historical importance. Maybe those coins from pre-independent India, that chair from the royal family, or perhaps the autograph or souvenirs your family members might have got from Mother Teresa. Trading with such items is a big hassle. Sometimes people are afraid to do so because of the notion that it is illegal. At times, they are fooled by middlemen who buy them in some hundreds of dollars and sell them in thousands. Additionally, there are issues of authenticity as well delivery!

Last update: 2021-04-18